Dustin Starnes - Delivered From Being A Transsexual

Im not the person you see in the picture below anymore - thats what im not living for.  That WAS my life before Christ. I read my old journal that I wrote when I was living like that and it said "I hate my life sometimes I wish I was dead".  I used to be on drugs and drinking living in sexual immorality, sleeping around doing things a person should never do - things im not proud of today.  I hated who I was and I wanted to get out and I couldn’t so I tried to kill myself taking an overdose on heart medication. It was only the grace of God that I survived. Doctors said I should have died. Then I met Jesus and He forever changed my life. This past transexual Is now a mighty MAN of God. I love being a man and I’m so grateful that God delivered me. Nothing is impossible with God. If He could change me I know that he could change and help you with whatever you’re going through. Disease, sickness, and demonization all bow down to the name of Jesus Christ. Let those who have ears listen. All praise to Him who is who was and is to come King Jesus







Celebrating 20 Years

Listen as Dustin shares his story of being delivered from childhood trauma, drug addiction, depression, and gender identity confusion.


On the verge of undergoing sexual reassignment surgery, Dustin was able to reclaim his identity as a man through Christ