Venus Burton - Delivered From Lesbianism

Venus was once a lonely, little girl who accidentally took a wrong turn in life.  Young Venus believed that she was something that she wasn't - anything to fill the mother-sized hole in her aching heart.  Before long, she was fully immersed in the lesbian lifestyle - and owned the night.

Eventually, music proved to be her momentary salvation.  By 2010, Venus L. Burton, aka Rapper Booski Love, slithered among the dark caverns of danger, lust and power play.  For a decade she soared among the stars of the underground rap scene and survived, barely.

Then in 2010, at the pinnacle of her career, Booski Love experienced a certain moment of clarity.  She woke up from her underground haze and stared into eternity, where she saw her one true love - standing, waiting with open arms.  It was Christ Jesus, the lover of her soul.  She came to realize that He had never left her side.  Booski Love died that day.

Venus re-dedicated her life to the Lord on April 17, 2011. She began working for Lord in different avenues, one being Christian rap. In June of 2011, God had given Venus the name God’s Original Plan to start a rap group to reach the lost through song. Ministering all over southern California; from youth and adult correctional facilities, the L.A. Marathon, salvation armies, to live television programs such as ”SPEAK” and many local churches. She completed their first EP entitled “SALVATION” in January 2012. Venus’s outreach ministry "Kickin’ Back with Christ/RAISE THE MIC, where POETRY MEETS RAP" playback on local cable stations with her mother Dr. Vicki Lee S.O.V. TV    

 Today, God has furthered Venus’s gifts in writing. She has written her first book entitled S.T.U.D “Shared Testimony Unashamed Deliverance” as well as working on her new Christian solo album entitled “ELEVATION”. Venus takes no credit for what God has done in her life now. She give’s all Glory to God! 

To learn more about Venus or to purchase her book, visit her site at:



Make sure you grab a copy of Venus' book where she details her journey from being a broken little girl that turned to alternative lifestyles for comfort to a minister of the gospel..


Venus' outreach ministry - Kickin' Back with Christ provides a platform to share gifts, talents, and testimonies through song, poetry, sports, dancing, producing & more


Beauty N' Me Sista Club is an organization where women can pour out their emotions and share their struggles. A place where they can learn how to tap into their true identity within us.


Venus is also a talented rapper, musician, and producer. Click here to visit her site and sample her music ministry.